Piazza Terzo Millennio

Urban requalification project


Date: 1999
Commitment: Comune di Riva presso Chieri (Private Customer)
Address: Riva presso Chieri
Desing architects: Vairano Architecture Studio
Works Amount: € 70.000,00
Professional job: Final and executive project, works direction
Enterprise: Bonaglia Arch Maurilio & C


The project is part of a general redevelopment of the historic centre of Riva presso Chieri. The project has restored the area in front of the associations's building, making it a new social space through the creation of a staircase, with the double function of a roof for vehicles and outdoor theater for events. The square is developed with walkways that intersect green areas in which are placed Paul Alexandre Bourieau's sculptures, transforming this part of the city into a metaphysical scene.

Reported project Una Targa per l’Architettura, OAT - Order of Architects, Turin

Press Review

  • Plein Air - Rivista d’arte di Bernard Loupieaux “Gjvj Art” - 1 Febbraio 2003
  • La piazza del millennio - Radicale restauro nel centro storico di Riva – Settimanale “Corriere di Chieri” Pubblicazione Il Restauro della Città di Riva Presso Chieri, N. Vairano, 1999, Torino - 9 Giugno 2000